We have finally found a game that none of the Dice Men agree on, as we discuss Ethnos, and why it has caused such a wide range of views amongst gamers.
Mark gives us a mega Kickstarter update, as the New Year brings in some awesome game campaigns.
We also give YOU a chance to be on air for our upcoming 200th Episode.
Original air date 18/01/2018
Ethnos had us fighting over our favourite races and how we felt about the game. We’ll talk about it in episode 198 of the podcast, coming up soon. #ethnosboardgame #ethnos #tabletopmadness #tabletophotness #tabletopfun #tabletop #boardgames #boardgamesinthepub #boardgame #podcast #juegodemesa #brettspiel #coolminiornot #cmongames #paolomori